Dust bowl

So here we all are, part of the new world technology and having absolutely no clue what I am doing, but it will be a new challenge. I'm not sure my ramblings will have any impact on the world as we know it, but maybe we'll have some fun and lots of laughs while I try to embrace a whole new medium of communication. Maybe. Or not.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Dusty socks

Here's a question or two. How relevant they are to the real world is a matter of conjecture, but I figure what the heck, maybe someone has an opinion or two that might be shared with the masses (or maybe just me, whichever comes first). Since this is all new technology and I'm just learning how, my question is this, is there a guide for blog ettiquete, how does one find it, does it tell you which fork to use first (figuratively speaking of course) and how do you know if you've accidentally said something to offend someone (and I'm sure there will be people out there who will be offended, just because they can be). For example, if I were to ramble on about dirty socks and then mention the Queen, would people assume I'm talking about the Queen's dirty socks? Why? I mean I'm sure the Queen must have dirty socks at some point in time, but why should I want to know about them, never mind comment on this possibility. Does that fall under too much information? According to who, and who besides her maids knows or cares? Would the National Inquirer (or the British equivalent) have headlines screaming about the secret world of the Queen's laundry hamper? I somehow can't imagine it, but anything is possible I suppose.
This inquiring mind really doesn't want to know.

1 comment:

  1. It's a little-known fact that Her Maj has a special Lady-in-Waiting in charge of her dirty socks ... She's the Duchess of Argyle, and it's her royal duty every morning to search under the Royal bed to find the dirty socks that graced Our Gracious Queen's little piggies the previous day.

    She sells them on eBay if you're interested, along with pieces of toast that have bite marks resembling Elvis!
