Dust bowl

So here we all are, part of the new world technology and having absolutely no clue what I am doing, but it will be a new challenge. I'm not sure my ramblings will have any impact on the world as we know it, but maybe we'll have some fun and lots of laughs while I try to embrace a whole new medium of communication. Maybe. Or not.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


Wouldn't it be grand if we could bottle a good portion of the energy we have as children and save it for when we are much more - mature.  I used to have lots of energy - once upon a time, not so terribly long ago (well, ok maybe if you count doing 30 for the second time a long time ago).  Now there are days when getting up enough steam to make coffee seems like an effort.  I think sloths have it right.  Sleep 90% of the time and move 10%, but not all ten at the same time.  You know, a little here, a little there and enough to find something to eat.  Cats are a close second to sloths for energy conservation.  They nap a lot, pretty much anywhere they can, often on the keyboard of a laptop or on the consol if you own a desk top computer.  In fact, they'll nap pretty much any place that has enough room to curl up on, including a squishy lap.  Which is fine especially if the squishy lap happens to be in front of a computer.  Then a decision needs to be made.  Squishy lap or laptop.  Hmmmm.  Decisions, decisions.  When the choice is too great to contemplate, the solution is to simply lay down wherever the cat happens to be and nap there.
I mention energy and naps in conjunction with each other because I happened to have a nap today.  Not the nice refreshing kind.  More the kind that when you wake up you feel even more tired than when you went to sleep, leaving you wondering why you bothered in the first place.  Which means that a person needs to have a second nap just to make up for the first one that was even more draining than if no nap had been had.  Having a second nap, while it might be enjoyable is also a drain on time, which as we all know shrinks and expands expotentially depending on what you happen to be doing.  Napping shrinks time, though in reality no more than most of the time that it has shrunk.  Or at least that's the way it seems when one wakes up from a nap leaving us wondering where all the time went.  Didn't we just lay down?  What do you mean it's been two hours.  I only slept for - oh.  Never mind.
Until next time when I have both time and energy to blog and I'm not napping.

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