Dust bowl

So here we all are, part of the new world technology and having absolutely no clue what I am doing, but it will be a new challenge. I'm not sure my ramblings will have any impact on the world as we know it, but maybe we'll have some fun and lots of laughs while I try to embrace a whole new medium of communication. Maybe. Or not.

Sunday, March 7, 2010


My sister sent me an email that got me thinking about support.  Support can take a variety of forms.  You can support your local team or organization, support your friends in time of need, and support a shelf with extra nails or brackets.  There are support hose that supposedly keep your legs and feet from swelling, or getting varicous veins.  There are bras that promise support, but in  the end let you down, because let's face it, no matter how much elastic, cotton, or underwiring there is, gravity will have its way every time.  The same goes for those plastic casings women used to be expected to wear called girdles.  I don't know about you, but I am eternally grateful to the person who created pantihose so we no longer had to wear all that spandex and lycra to hold in and "smooth out" our body contours.  That man could invent such torture for women and expect them to be thrilled about it is really pretty bizarre, but then the fashion industry has always been that way.  Just look at the bustle and the very tight bustiers of days gone past.  There are, of course, other types of support.  Braces on men's pants to keep them up, as well as belts (very handy those).  Personally I think a good belt is a handy thing for both men and women. It holds your pants up, can be a fashion statement, and can (if it's wide enough) cover some fashion faux pas.  If only my male students could bring themselves to wear one on their shorts or pants, then we wouldn't have to keep reminding them to pull up their pants because their underwear is showing.  Which of course brings me to guys and their lack of fashion sense.  I told one of my students to get a belt because if his pants fell any lower they'd end up around his ankles and this wouldn't be so great, especially if there was an emergency and he had to make a run for it.  He'd either trip and fall or end up leaving his pants behind.  Not sure the girls would be thrilled about seeing some guy running around in his undies, but there you go.  Things change all the time.  Speaking of change, I guess I should get ready for the day.  Until next time.

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