Dust bowl

So here we all are, part of the new world technology and having absolutely no clue what I am doing, but it will be a new challenge. I'm not sure my ramblings will have any impact on the world as we know it, but maybe we'll have some fun and lots of laughs while I try to embrace a whole new medium of communication. Maybe. Or not.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Once upon a time not so terribly long ago on this planet not so very far away, I used to be able to spell. In fact, I was a pretty good speller. Now, since I've become a teacher, my spelling has been flushed right down the toilet. Ok, that's not quite true. I can still spell. I just can't type right (not to be confused with typewrite, which I don't seem to do terribly well these days either). My typing teacher from High School days would be rapping my knuckles over my bad typing habits, if she were here to rap (not to be confused with the "music" though maybe she'd do that too for all I know). Too much speed, not enough accuracy. True. Guilty. And yet I berate my students for failing to proofread when I'm just as guilty. Do as I say, not as I do is definitely the modus operandi for teaching (after all isn't that what it's really all about?).
In any case, I know I'm not the only one guilty of this misdeminor (misdiminor, misdemenor, misdemeanor - you know what I mean). I read, a very long time ago now, that Princess Anne (who we never hear about anywhere - is she still out there somewhere?) fell off hor hearse. Yes, ladies and gentlemen you read correctly and did exactly what I did - say what? She fell from a what? Course it doesn't help when you read things wrong, so I did a double take, and yes it was there in black and white. Now I have been known to misinterpret things and misread things, so certainly didn't need the aid of the Star Phoenix. For example, once upon a time when I was following sports, I thought I read that the New Pork Rangers had lost yet another game. Had to go back and reread that one. No, it wasn't the paper's fault this time, just my speed reading (directly related to rapid typing which is where all this began). Add to that listening with half an ear, and one of my students is now Radish, only because I misheard his name. Come to think of it if a radish were to become human, it could look like him, or if he were to become a cartoon figure I think that's what he'd look like. In the grand scheme of things does it all really matter? No not really, just something to ramble on about - and I apologize to those who tried to find my blogpot. It really doesn't exist - well maybe in my imagination.

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